What to Say – Let Teleflora Help this Valentine’s Day 2 $100 Gift Codes #Giveaway #WhatisLove #Teleflora
What to say. Let’s face it many of us struggle with words. What’s the right word? How can we get what’s in our hearts out onto paper? How can you find the words to tell someone special exactly how much they mean to you? It’s a tough thing sometimes. Right now, this Valentine’s Day, Teleflora is taking the challenge out of fumbling for words with Love Note Concierge. What to Say is Tough A lot of times, it’s not that you don’t know how to express how you feel. It’s that you don’t know how to adequately express how you feel. Sometimes, I love you seems like it’s not enough. For…
Teleflora Peanuts Bouquet – Bring The Perfect Hostess Gift #TMMGG2015
Are you heading off to visit someone for the holidays? Christmas or New Years, or anywhere in between? Have you given any thought to what to gift your host or hostess yet? Do you need a little festive decorating touch for your home? Well, luckily Teleflora Peanuts bouquets can help you with that. I am a fan of flowers. I enjoy giving them and receiving them and I really enjoy buying them for myself. Well, actually I enjoy buying them for the entire family, and for my home. People often say – “Well we used to do that, but flowers die, so we decided to give something else.” I get…