New Years Resolutions Goal Setting +Printable
So, after the year we just had, is it even possible to have New Years Resolutions? Is it advisable? It is worrisome? Well, maybe just a bit. But I am tentatively creating some anyways and holding a few close to the chest. Didn’t we all have all of the intentions and resolutions last year at the start of 2020 before the world went topsy turvey and the pandemic was declared? SMART Goals I can’t even imagine a year now where my resolutions are not SMART goals. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. BIGGEST emphasis on REALISTIC. So, What are My New Years Resolutions? What…
Happy New Years Charades + Printable
So here we are. Almost…The mother of all nights….New Year’s Eve. Oh there will be some serious celebrating, but it won’t be at bars or at big parties. It will be the close to home kind of fun. Maybe with a little New Years Charades thrown in the mix. I genuinely hope that all of you are making smart and healthy choices this New Year and that you are staying home. This year, we will probably ski during the day close to home and then chill out and share some scrumptious snacks and maybe watch a live broadcast, drink some red wine or hop on a Zoom call with friends.…