Arianna Huffington Interview #WordlessWednesday
Last summer I attended Blogher 10 in San Jose. One of the highlights for me was Guy Kawasaki – social media guru and smarty pants – interviewing Arianna Huffington, who was a total breath of fresh air. She responded to his questions with razor sharp comebacks that were all sort of directed exactly where she wanted them to go. It was the most hysterical thing. She gave great responses and had everyone laughing. She was also clearly used to commanding attention in any room and she was promoting her new book Thrive. The crux of that seemed to be get more sleep and stop multi-tasking. This is my Wordless Wednesday.…
My Blissdom Conference Experience – Why Blissdom Makes Me a Better Person #BlissdomCa
This post about my latest Blossom Conference experience has taken me forever to wrangle. It’s been hiding in some nook or cranny of my brain and just sort of waiting for me to get it straight. I thought about leaving it there. But my brain gets full and every now and then it needs a purge. So this is my Blissdom Conference experience purge. Wait, that just sounded wrong. I am a Blissdom Conference veteran. ( Because I am old and I have been writing for a million years. LOL) Two weeks ago I took part in my third Blissdom conference. Blissdom Conference Canada is one of the only Canadian…
Kickstart This #Blogging
Shutterstock photo by Leah-Anne Thompson It’s been a while since I’ve used this space for a good rant. So it’s time. Now listen here. I am thinking about starting a Kickstarter campaign to fund my great new idea. I think it will be something epic. But right now it’s just a little vague. To be quite honest, it’s really just a concept. But it’s a great concept. See, it’s a concept I have for a brush that will automatically clean itself. Cool right? Because, who couldn’t use one of those? I mean have you seen my daughter’s hair? I think it will be hot. So hot. Yessssss!! Virtual high…
Five Things That Make Blogher Unique
They tell me I am a veteran because this will be my third tour of Blogher. I don’t really feel like a veteran, because the word makes me feel kind of old and I am definitely not that. (Cough) Anyways, as I head off to my third Blogher conference I wanted to share a few things I have learned about this epic conference experience. Each conference is precious and they all have their own merits and strengths. Type A was my first ever. Blissdom Canada is always inspiring and special. Mom 2.0 was a great experience for me this May and I will return to that one next year again…
My Four Favourite Linked In Groups
Linked In is often the punchline in people’s social media jokes. But honestly if you are ignoring this platform entirely then you are missing the point. Linked In can be a powerful search engine and a very useful professional channel for connecting and sharing leads and information. Linked In Groups are one of my favourite things about Linked In. I’m forever amazed at the business people and bloggers who are not yet capitalizing on connecting via Linked In or Linked In Groups. I have heard Linked In dubbed boring and dull, even pointless. Frankly I am not here to convince you if you don’t understand the power of networking on Linked…
On What Planet is Toothpaste Compensation for Work?
Today I am feeling ranty about Blogger Outreach that just didn’t hit the mark. And I am a little bit stabby. But yesterday was worse. Let’s start with the why. Yesterday, I landed two amazing absurd, totally missed the mark, offers to blog about dental products. So far so good. Teeth are important and that kind of blogger outreach program could be done well potentially. These pitches came from two different boutique PR agencies. Well, clean teeth and healthy living are subjects I love to write about actually and I am heading to the dentist this evening because I have a sore tooth and it’s that time of year. The teeth…
My 2014 Word of the Year Is…
As it is January and the month of giving intense thought to goals and resolutions, I wanted to take some time to define a philosophy for myself this year. A word that defines my business life, and my personal life and drives my activity for 2014. Last year, I chose the word Health as my catalyst propelling me forward towards a better level of fitness and healthy living for my entire family. I think we tried despite the many challenges that were thrown into our path this past year. I am still a health blogger. Most weeks 80 % of the posts here centre on some health related topic…
Five Reasons Your Blogger Outreach Program Is a Fail
Blogger Outreach is one of the biggest parts of my marketing business. Call it influencer outreach or paid media. In fact, blogger outreach can significantly elevate your game and your message on line and in real life too. An authentic ambassador for your brand tells a story well and is sought out for their opinion. They are impactful and trustworthy and they have an audience. This collage is a sample of a few of the clients I have worked with in the past year. I have been blogging here and writing on line for almost 5 years now. Thrifty Mommas Tips has grown exponentially and my experience has grown with…
Ten Year Journal 10+ #Giveaway
The gift of memories and preserving memories is such a treasure, that I couldn’t resist highlighting this special journal I received for review this year. Journal 10+ is a keepsake for anyone who loves to write, anyone who has memories to share, or wishes to help a loved one preserve some of their special moments for others to read in the future. Journal 10+ is a great present for that hard to buy for grandparent or parent, sister or brother this Christmas. It is a unique journal that carries lasting appeal. This year I will give one of these gorgeous Journals to my Mom. My Mom moved to a…
I Didn’t Know I Was a Health Blogger until…
A funny thing happened on the way to my first rodeo – or my first trip to Blogher. I was signing up last minute as I do, because life is busy, when all the schedules started coming and they were addressed to this health and fitness track blogger. Health Blogger? Fitness blogger? Now, I’ve been blogging a good three years easily. And I can tell you categorically that I have not once thought of myself as a health blogger. I am, at times, all over the map here. I know it. I like a lot of things and I like to stretch myself as well. I talk adoption, special needs,…