WIN BIG! $425 USD Summer Lovin’ Cash Giveaway #SummerLovinCash
The summer is one of the most expensive times of year for many parents. Don’t get me wrong, I love summer. It’s my favourite of all the seasons. But, by the time I pay my yearly taxes in the spring, and then fix whatever home related repairs are needed, it’s time to pay for the kid’s summer camps too. That exhausts the budget. However I know I am not alone. Many people are in the same boat. That’s why I am offering a cash giveaway right now!
I have partnered with several other bloggers to offer this $425 US Cash Giveaway prize for one lucky reader. It’s one of the biggest cash giveaways I have ever offered here. So, here’s what I want to know – are you feeling the pinch right now too? Do you find summer awesome, but super expensive just like I do?
Camps are brutally expensive and my one daughter is registered in a couple, so that tends to deplete savings fast. I love that they enjoy camps and it’s very worth it, but any windfall would go towards paying for camps right now. We are still recovering from paying for a new roof and also a new pool heater. That consumed a big chunk of money.
[tweetthis]How are you spending the summer months? Enter to win now. $425 USD Cash[/tweetthis]
What are you planning to do this summer? Have any big plans? Cottage, stay-cations? Air travel or work all summer long? Hope you have a couple of weeks break to enjoy the lovely weather especially if you live in Canada like I do. These months are precious and short here.
[tweetthis]Enter now for a chance to win $425 USD Cash giveaway #SummerLovinCash[/tweetthis]
What would you do with $425 USD?

Amanda N Stewart
Stacey Brucale
I would use it to buy some furnishings for my new house!
I would use It to buy back to school clothes for my kids
That’s thinking ahead!
Cindy Wiedemer
I’d use the money to take a long weekend with my husband. I’ve been in hospital 4 months and would be great to get away and reconnect.
OH dear so sorry to hear that you have been sick Cindy!
Michele Behlen
I would use it to buy a new recliner for my husband.
katherine tino
I’d probably get some summer clothes for the kids.
Norman Hurst
I would use it for extra house hold items and treats as well as gas money for a road trip!! Thanks for a chance!!! 🙂