Easter Egg Decorating Ideas
There’s something fun about decorating Easter eggs every year. The process makes me feel like a kid again. These Creative and Fun Easter Egg Decorating Ideas are so cute and clever! I wish I had thought of them first! Easter Egg Decorating Ideas I love the part of Easter where kids and parents alike decorate Easter eggs. It’s always been fun to me. I don’t care what the colours are, or, how fancy the eggs turn out, it’s simply fun. My Mom used to decorate eggs with us every year so the process reminds me of her and it also makes me nostalgic for the old days when I…
Six Best Easter Brunch or Dinner Recipes
It’s Easter brunch that always gets me. Well, to be truthful it’s brunch, period. Any holiday. When we have guests over and we have cooked the night before I am always hunting for some great ideas for Easter brunch or just brunch in general. That’s why I decided to pull these together – Here are the Six Best Easter Brunch or Dinner Recipes I could find. Easter is such a great time of year. Finally after months of snow we get a long weekend to celebrate with friends and family. Food is naturally a big part of that celebration. I often have the dinner part figured out (ham and scallops)…
DIY Easter Egg and Bunnies Banner
Looking for a cute craft to make your home look ready for Easter? This DIY Easter banner with Easter eggs and bunnies is easy to make and so sweet. It has a shabby chic kind of feel and the kids will love it and it costs very little to make. Plus, seriously who doesn’t love bunnies? Spring Fever Easter is fast approaching and so is spring which means spring cleaning and DIY decorating and all things bright and cheery. I am a little sad that ski season is ending only because our entire family just learned how to ski and it was fabulous. Now the girls are totally addicted to skiing. So…
Easter Bookmarks Free Printable
If you are at all like me, then you want to take some time each weekend to carve out an hour or two for reading. It is such a wonderful weekend hour or two when you find yourself lost in a good book. But, at the same time life calls and there are so many things to do every weekend. So you only ever get so far and then need time to finish up all the rest of the things that are on that to do list. Bookmarks sometimes save the day. I am forever losing my bookmarks. The kids do the same thing. What is it about a bookmark…
Eight of the Best Easter Desserts From Popular Blogs
Well Spring is clearly here. Time to share some of the Best Easter Desserts around. Last night we spied half a dozen bunnies hopping around our backyard. They were totally skittish though and every time a tiny noise occurred they raced under my neighbour’s trampoline. So we couldn’t grab any pictures of them. This time of year is sweet both literally and figuratively. That’s why I thought it time to share some of the best Easter desserts we have found. Hello Spring time!! Winter can be long and gruelling. Don’t get me wrong – our family LOVES winter weather. Winter weather equals more skiing and great ski trips. This year we…
Spring is Officially Here #LoveHallmarkCA #Giveaway
Spring has arrived at long last and it’s time to lighten up the clothing, clear away the winter drearies and get decorating for Easter! The garden and yard are ready to be tamed and spring cleaning is in full swing in many places. I’ve had a decent winter, even though the cold threatened to make me grumpy many times. We went away and took a family cruise at New Years and that helped us to relax for a week, before we returned to a snowy slippery drive back home down the 401. We were able to hunker down and plow through until March, when we headed to Mont-Tremblant, Quebec as…
Easy DIY Spring Decor Ideas
I live with crafty kids. They love to make things and they are usually pretty creative. So every season I am hunting down new and fun craft ideas to share. These Easy DIY Spring Decor Ideas are so colourful and fun to do. Can you feel that? Temperatures are rising and snow is melting and I have the urge to purge. Spring cleaning I mean! There’s nothing better than fresh air and puddles after a long brutally snowy and cold winter. Spring is a time to create and decorate and freshen everything up just a little. Colours are lighter and the days are brighter. Upcycle or Recycle To celebrate I have…
How Does Your Easter Egg Hunt Grow? #Kindermom
There is something about Spring time and Easter that brings to mind fresh starts. The windows have finally been thrown open here after a long winter and we are enjoying being able to take walks, riding the bikes, and being able to explore our new yard. This year we will be starting new Easter traditions in our new home. There’s something exciting about that also. One tradition I look forward to every year is the Easter Egg Hunt. It’s a hold over from my own childhood and it brings out the child in everyone. Treats and Toys that are Safe to Share Kinder Surprise has been a big part of…
Happy Easter Tarts
Easy to make Easter tarts It’s Easter and my kids are back in the kitchen, helping me cook. I know, it’s been a couple of weeks but here we are with our latest creation. Lime Meringue Easter Tarts. Nothing says Easter like citrus flavours, pastels and delicious tasty treats like jelly beans. So I thought I’d create a little love with Tenderflake Tart shells. They make baking easy. And baking makes most of us happy so therefore Tenderflake makes us happy. I wanted to make something super tasty and special for Easter with these Tenderflake tart shells, so I improvised. I really wanted the citrus flavours in there this time…