Mother’s Day Word Search Printable Activity Sheet
If you hang around here often then you know that I like to share printables around special occasions. With Mother’s Day coming up I figured it would be a great time to share some love through a Mother’s Day Word Search. Dads: print this off and your kids can do them with Mom, or they can do this Mother’s Day Word Search when you are making Mom breakfast in bed. What are you doing this Mother’s Day? I suspect my day will be relaxing. Or, I hope, my day will be relaxing. I need a small break and I really need a day off of work right about now. In the event…
Easy DIY Mother’s Day Gifts That Mom Will Love
Easy DIY Mother’s Day Gifts that Mom Will Love Mother’s Day is fast approaching. Have you thought about what you might like to give her to show you care? Most people opt for gift cards, flowers, or store bought cards. Those are all great choices, but why not give mom a handmade gift this year? These DIY Mother’s Day gifts are a great way to show mom just how much you care this year. You can also combine a thoughtful handcrafted present with a small store bought gift too. There are no limits to what you might do to help Mom feel special on her day. DIY Mother’s Day Gifts…
The Most Meaningful Mothers Day Gifts #WorldVisionGifts
Mother’s Day is not a day I take lightly. I am a Mom because of a gift from someone brave and caring. Two different birth Moms gave us the gift of both of our girls. We are adoptive parents and might never have been parents without someone else’s sacrifice and brilliant gift. I am always mindful of that. My parenting experience started with a gift. The most precious gift of all. My own journey to parenthood very much reminds me of the power of the local and the global community. Each one of us depend ends on others for so many things. This year I am also very mindful of someone…
Spring is Officially Here #LoveHallmarkCA #Giveaway
Spring has arrived at long last and it’s time to lighten up the clothing, clear away the winter drearies and get decorating for Easter! The garden and yard are ready to be tamed and spring cleaning is in full swing in many places. I’ve had a decent winter, even though the cold threatened to make me grumpy many times. We went away and took a family cruise at New Years and that helped us to relax for a week, before we returned to a snowy slippery drive back home down the 401. We were able to hunker down and plow through until March, when we headed to Mont-Tremblant, Quebec as…