ORECK DualMax™ Air Purifier – My Allergy Season Secret Weapon #Giveaway ARV $600
Something brand new and amazing has taken up residence in my bedroom. OH, don’t panic. This is a family friendly site. The sleek Energy Star qualified, Air 16 Oreck DualMax™ Air Purifier with Truman Cell Filtration System has found a home in our master bedroom and it’s helping to clean the air in my house. My husband has brutal allergies this time of year and he’s been stuffed up for weeks already. His allergies flare in Spring and are brutal again in the Fall months too. You know the kind I mean? He has the close all the windows, leave the shoes at the door and clean the floors daily, kind of…
Beside-U Travel Bags – Safe, Secure and Fashionable #Giveaway
Beside-U travel bags are designed for both everyday use and travel use. Beside-U’s everyday, and travel friendly design makes these bags the perfect solution for any trip. They are attractive, reliable and just the right size for your personal or professional travel needs. Beside-U bags also feature a secure RFID ( Radio Frequency Identification) guarded pocket to protect your sensitive credit card information. That detail makes them my new favourite travel product. Let me tell you why. Beside-U Bags – The Name Says it All I love Tap & Go™, and Interac Flash Technologies. I use Tap & Go™ at stores where they have it available as an option. It’s fast and efficient.…
Online Safety for Kids – 3 Tips to Keep Them Safe
Online safety is paramount for children. Kids that are old enough to use the internet are still too young to exercise adequate caution. That’s why it’s so important for parents to teach them how to make online safety a constant part of their internet experience. I could tell you stories already of both my kids stumbling across things I’d rather they didn’t see at all. It’s much too easy to accidentally type the wrong search term and suddenly be confronted with something completely inappropriate for children. Tweens and teens are no different. If you think that they know more than you about social media and engaging on line, then quite frankly…
After The Instagram Bullying Incident
For weeks after the Instagram bullying incident people kept asking me: How is your daughter doing? I have answered the question often in person, but I haven’t had time to share news here. So today is the day I finally got around to writing about what happened – AFTER. Here’s the thing. Immediately after the Instagram bullying incident my teen, who struggles with anxiety, had a kneejerk reaction. She wanted to quit school, leave grade nine and stop entirely. That lasted about one to two days. Then came this. .. We talked her through it and we took our time giving her support, with the school also doing the same.…
Adorable Newborn Tekno Puppy is a Gift Everyone Will Love #TMMGG2015
Adorable Newborn Tekno Puppy is the cutest gift that has arrived here so far this year. Tekno Puppy will be a huge hit this holiday season with any child you choose to give this too. If I were a child again, this Newborn Tekno Puppy would top my Christmas wish list. As it is it will top my list of toys that I give, especially for little girls between ages 5 and 13. The suggested age range for Newborn Tekno Puppy is 3 and up. But together my kids and I both discussed this and felt like the age range is a bit too young. I wouldn’t gift this to a…
Father’s Day Gadgets for the Man Who Has Everything #ad #SoloatBestBuy
What do you get the man who has everything for Father’s Day? What do you get your favourite gadget guy? How about a Solo Drone from Best Buy? Best Buy is the destination for drones including the new Solo Smart Drone from 3DR. Solo, the Smart Drone arrives in over 400 Best Buy stores on June 8, just in time for Father’s Day! It’s the first-ever drone powered by two integrated Linux computers, making capturing the perfect shot easy for anyone. The Solo works beautifully with a Go Pro (not included). The travel blogger in me is scheming a way to buy this – can you imagine the pictures you’d…
Yak Communications – Financial Freedom at Home and On-The-Go This Summer and an Amazing #Giveaway ARV $400
With Yak Communications, financial freedom and the freedom to stay connected go hand-in-hand. In this day and age, it’s important to stay connected to family and friends. Whether it’s for social networking, business, or purely for safety, we all need to be able to make calls or connect to the internet easily, almost without giving it a second thought and we need to do it without sacrificing something else in the process of staying connected. Yak Communications makes that possible. Financial Freedom and the Freedom to Stay Connected with Yak Yak Communications is a telecommunication company with a wonderful combination of speed, price-point, and customer service. Yak Communications is no…
Raising Savvy, Digital Kids Also Means Teaching Responsible E-cycling #Ecycle
This post is part of the YummyMummyClub.ca and Ontario Electronic Stewardship #Ecycle sponsored program. I received compensation as a thank you for my participation. This post reflects my personal opinion about the information provided by the sponsors. My kids are growing up to be savvy little digital consumers. In fact, you could call us gadget girls and I think we’d all be okay with that. We love our technology and in fact, the newer the better. My consulting business relies on the theory that the fastest electronics are the best electronics. As a blogger, I am also often sent gadgets to review and use. Some remain active long-term and others get…
Netgear Trek n300 Travel Router and Range Extender Review #travel Gadget
For those of you who travel, for business or pleasure, like I do, and for those of you who actually need a bit of a boost for your wifi range at home, also like I do, the Netgear Trek is a great idea. I was sent a Netgear Trek to test out here for a few weeks and I have been working hard on getting used to the gadget. I had high hopes for this, maybe too high. The Netgear Trek is a travel router and range extender. It doesn’t come with cables or any extra parts. The Netgear Trek has a built in antenna you can easily flip up to…